Week 6: Energizing Myself Professionally Through Personal Connections

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Sunday, July 11, 2021


Hannah Wistrand

I did it! My first professional presentation! I was pretty nervous, and got little to no sleep the night before, but I did it. I presented to my team of APS Public Engagement and Office of External Affairs members my suggestions on how to move forward with the misinformation campaign. After a couple weeks of analysis and research, I compiled everything into a consultation presentation and gave clear direction on next steps. 


This was a very exciting time for me, as I always seem to struggle with decision-making in jobs. Being given the responsibility to advise on a topic like this really encouraged me to face this insecurity, as I knew the people I was working with really wanted a clear direction forward. They were all incredibly supportive and excited to hear what I had to say, and coming out of that interaction I definitely feel more prepared to tackle these next steps and similar situations in my future endeavors.


Later in the week I finally decided on a topic for the SPS intern demo competition. I had been researching in my spare time for a couple of weeks, looking for something that I could completely cover, start to finish, in 30 seconds that would be engaging for students and fun for teachers. I landed on a physical demonstration of the conservation of energy in a supernova - a seemingly complicated topic until you understand it visually. I am super excited about this and will be filming tonight and editing tomorrow. I also love video editing (as the daughter of two video production teachers, it’s in my blood I guess) so I am very excited for that part of it. I think I am going to keep it pretty simple and straightforward though - no need for special effects or graphics this time. But if you see the demo at some point (which I encourage everyone (yes, my 5 readers again) to check out all the intern demos when you get a chance) think of me fondly!


The rest of the week was spent organizing the next steps for this misinformation campaign and brainstorming our social media strategy, now that we have some assistance from our communications department (which I am super pumped about). I also am trying to figure out what to do about my SPS presentation and abstract, as my work has kind of been all over the place - but I will keep you updated on that. 


On the personal side of things this week, I had a pretty full schedule. I’ve been leaning on a lot of love this past week and am so thankful for my friends and family here in Colorado. It’s difficult being an out of state student sometimes, but finding that group of friends who makes you feel worth something is an irreplaceable, confidence-boosting experience that I would never take back. A couple of friends and I enjoyed the holiday on Monday and tackled a 14-er hike (pictures below). Although I was incredibly slow and stumbled my way to the top, I was very proud of myself and reminded of how thankful I am for kind and patient friends. My sore muscles the next day at work served as a reminder of what amazing things I could accomplish. We then had a nice dinner at our regular Tuesday spot (Buffalo Wild Wings), and got caught up with Loki on Wednesday (I can’t wait for the finale next week!). On Thursday we went to see Black Widow in theaters (my first Marvel movie IN THEATERS after watching the entire MCU for the first time this past semester) which was very exciting. An incredibly well-done movie, and exciting as a young woman who has always dreamed of an accurate and satisfying portrayal on an action screen. My friend and I went to Elitch Gardens on Friday to ride a couple of rollercoasters, and then I enjoyed the All-Star Futures game with another good friend of mine earlier in the day on Sunday. A pretty packed week of professional and personal excitement, and one that I desperately needed.


So, I think that is my takeaway for this week. When you are feeling a lull in motivation or energy, don’t be afraid to lean on the people (or person) who make you feel worth something. That confidence will bleed into your professional endeavors and make you a better friend and employee. Let yourself be loved. Let yourself be supported. We all need it sometimes. 


And stay curious, everyone

 Hannah Wistrand

P.S. Please enjoy the GIF below that I made of myself getting hit in the face while attempting my demo - do not try this demo by yourself

Continental Divide
Mountain Goat
Hannah Wistrand
Hannah Demo Fail

Hannah Wistrand