Week 3: The AAPT Community

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Monday, June 21, 2021


Alan Wright

Oops, this is a day late!

This week I have had plenty more opportunities to engage with the AAPT community, particularly because I finally gained access to AAPT Communities. Communities is like a closed social media for AAPT members. It's a place where teachers can ask questions and communicate with their colleagues. I asked for advice on what steps to take to become a physics teacher, and I was glad to receive some good feedback.

One of the things I worked on this week was finding resources for the quantum computing workshop. There are more accessible books on the subject than I was expecting, including a graphic novel about entanglement. There is a possibility that I may get to attend the quantum computing workshop in person, and that would be really neat after doing everything virtually for so long.

I got my purple bucket hat (pictured) from Brad this week! It's great, and I've thought a lot about the advice that came with it: never take yourself too seriously. That's definitely advice that I needed.

This weekend I said goodbye to some of my friends who graduated from Purdue. I'll miss them, but I'm interested to see where they go in their physics careers. I also went home for Father's Day to surprise my dad. It was nice to see my family...and the cat.

Bucket hat (and Kirby in the background)

Alan Wright