2017-18 Marsh W. White Award Recipients

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The following SPS chapters have been granted Marsh W. White Outreach Awards to help fund their outreach projects during the coming academic year. These awards are made to SPS chapters "to support projects designed to promote interest in physics among students and the general public."

Award details...

Cleveland State University SPS Chapter

Lunchtime Physics Club for True Inquirers

Florida Polytechnic University SPS Chapter

STEM Day Outreach at Florida Polytech

Hamline University SPS Chapter

Renewable Energy in Units Anyone Can Understand

Henderson State University SPS Chapter

Science Olympics

Ithaca College SPS Chapter

Phun with Physics

The University of Southern Mississippi SPS Chapter

Promotion of Physics in the Hattiesburg Community

University of Alaska Fairbanks SPS Chapter

Astropalooza: a Solar Viewing Experience

University of Maine SPS Chapter

Renewing Physics Demonstrations for Community Outreach

University of Rochester SPS Chapter

Physics Pentathlon

University of the Sciences SPS Chapter

Renewable Energy: Sustainable and Attainable
